Wednesday, February 11, 2009

short post

have not posted lately and will catch up soon. have been away, but have run, biked, and golfed almost everyday. am going to run a marathon in the next few days and will take a couple of days off first after i play golf tomorrow.

clean melanoma check today and had a few nevi frozen off. a good day there.

The National Marathon To Fight Breast Cancer

The National Marathon To Fight Breast Cancer

Sunday, February 01, 2009

20 mile run, and the superbowl game ends

the super bowl just ended and i guess it depends on who you wanted to win how you felt about it, but as they like to say, i had no horse in this race and just wanted a good game and this one was good enough, though marred a bit by some penalties. they played hard and well and it could have gone to either team obviously.

on a run note, i ran 20 miles today after yesterday's 6. had been worried about the left hip which i seemed to have tweaked while hitting golf balls friday on a rare day off from running. but though it hurt somewhat yesterday it was milder today and didn't affect the run or make me limp.

and though it wasn't always pretty it was my first time to run 20 miles since the marathon in november. with 4 weeks to go to the next one and some forced time off approaching while i travel, it was good to get it done. not looking for a fast marathon,; just want to get #186 done and move on.