Tuesday, February 26, 2008

continued -the golfer's mind by dr bob rotella(chapters 15- 29)

more thoughts, quotes and/or paraphrases

commit to each shot and commit to a program of improvement

on every shot the golfer must have an image of how the ball will travel and of the club and swing he will use to get it there

and then hit the shot with a clear mind, an absence of doubt and an unwavering mind

observe all of the factors involved in a shot in your pre-shot routine; back away and start over again until you are committed to what you are about to do

indecision will negate talent and skill

lessons, practice, fitness, and evaluate and address weaknesses

be an optimist

player's seem to get their best results when their intensity level is somewhere between three and six on a scale of 1--10; below 3 they get sloppy and above 6 they get mechanical

have a pre-shot routine; practice it
where do you want the ball to go
how do you want it to get there
what club do you want to use

you play the way you practice

find one shot shape and stick with it

the game of golf is not hitting fairways; it is putting the ball in the hole

commit to having fun hitting tee shots; you can only control how well you go through your pre-shot routine

have one club in your bag that you can hit confidently on tough driving holes

everyone who wants to improve must fall in love with putting

skill with the long clubs determines how high your score will be while skill with the short clubs determines how low your score will be

even the best players miss one out of three greens and amateurs miss 2 of 3 or more

the majority of the strokes are made within 100 yards of the green

have the target in mind

chipping-hands ahead of ball; handle of the club is in front of the head and maintain that shaft angle through impact; weight is left; ball is back

from around the green you must always pitch or chip to make it;not to just get close

have no fear when you putt; if you care whether you miss you are in trouble(brad faxon)

don't worry about the length of your second putt

trust your fist impression when you read a green; see it and do it; get a sense of how the ball will roll into the hole; putt to make it, not just get it close
stroke the putt freely; trust your stroke

the game will beat you up; don't beat yourself up as well
let your mistakes go and forget about them; move on

one thing you can control in golf is your attitude; don't wallow in self pity; be good company; don't dwell on setbacks

visualization-you can mentally rehearse doing well
imagine yourself doing good things
concentrate and focus-be relaxed

a golfer can always win the battle with himself

***get out of results and into process
love the challenge of the day whatever it might be

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