long day- ran ok this morning- kept it simple; ran up to my measured 100 yards and ran 25 x 100 as a strider workout trying to use the right leg more. wasn't pretty, but i did the workout and was able to go an ok speed. legs not great after yesterday but were ok enough. stretched a lot after and then ran back down the river and over to the canal and then home. about 10 miles all told- stretched out the after strider part to get some easy(i.e. slow) miles in and to see the river.
met gail walking back from the vet where she learned that one of the cats has diabetes. glucose was off the charts. will cost an arm and a leg to deal with it as well as the cat needing 2 shots a day; emailed the owner the options as they are traveling from amsterdam to belgium on their way to the usa in a couple of days. not good timing for sure and they will let us know what they want to do. basically looking at $10,000 if the cat lives another eight years with all of the work travelling they do. still it is a nice little cat and spread out over the years and with just a little bit of a pain arranging care it could be done. wonder if they don't do it if we just bought ourselves a cat? will sleep on that. cat has a passport. guess i could learn to give shots. early baby boomer training huh?
golf was really up and down. i am trying to make a major swing change. i have been so bad since i have been here that i simply will not play golf with the way i have been hitting the ball. the newer swing when it works well is what i want. but like everything else in golf, it has been very day to day or shot to shot even. grounders and shanks interspersed with high smashed dead straight balls. can drive me crazy.
and no short game practice at all. and cold rain tomorrow.
But it is the last day of february in the morning and only at most 5 more months to go. for those keeping score that means 152 days.
going away this weekend to see some sights. more on that later.
somebody needs to decide if we are really going to be a global world or not. because if we are then every country's decisions have more impact on everyone else. so banks giving money to people with no credit, jobs or money to buy a house hurts the world and not just the country.
how can a country of 330 million people end up with these three choices to lead us out of the bush quicksand. hillary should have listened and named clydeburn her vp person way back. she has wimped and whined her way to nowhere. bill could have won again and she can't. obama will get it now and he can hope his students come out and vote. he will get my vote also. what choice is there?
ultimately, the red and blue states are still red and blue. does it come down to ohio, penna and florida again? do mc cain's people steal florida to win again? are we not lucky that jeb bush decided to wait this one out? he could have walked into the white house.
i want to live to be 300 just to see how it all works out. and of course to see how many wins tiger ends up with. something like 112 should do it.
what do i know?
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