Sunday, June 08, 2008

saturday and sunday in review

spent the weekend in philly after running 8 miles in the heat and humidity saturday morning on the river trail. as it is now 2 days later there is not that much to say about the run except that my right kneecap was sore. may have over stretched it after the 5k when it might have tighten up and then the stretch didn't help, but hurt it a little. will see. went slow and steady with a somewhat high pulse given the heat and humidity. not many people out on the trail at 6am, but the sun was up and i had to get going so i was out early.

the ride to philly was an easy one actually and that was a nice change. the weekend at my mom's went as well as it could have given the very high temps there. didn't go out at all except to the acme food store. ordered dinner from giovanni's and that was nice treat.

got up very early sunday morning and went to tookany creek to run. did the same thing as yesterday going at a speed i could handle in the heat. haven't run in this kind of h&h yet this summer and will not get this humidity in the UK, nor temps this most likely. ran into two guys i knew from elkins park-way back from the old fleet feet racing days- and we ran a few miles together and then walked some with bruce who was recovering from achilles surgery. ran enough to call it ten miles and it was just about 8am. nice to do it and be done early.

spent the day inside at my mom's eating, reading and watching some tv news and the 145 mile bike race in philly. later in the day i headed home. nothing at home went as planned as we had lost power while i was gone-strange- and of course, the basement flood still had to be dealt with. had hoped to go to the range but didn't make it. was too late and too hot and i was tired. kneecap was tight and not able to be stretched. will ice it down to morrow. supposed to be hotter. was 98 yesterday and 96 today-supposed to be 98 again tomorrow. was supposed to play golf but will get home too late to do that and not sure how i could have in that heat having to be all dressed up to avoid the sun.

one more day. hope the kneecap is ok. did get the run in today but then it tightened up. guess it didn't like running that hard. in truth i would have liked to have run more long faster stuff before i did it, but figured it was only 5k. time will tell.

meanwhile i have a heat headache and need some sleep after 10 hours in the last two days. lots to do this week.

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