remember the joke about president bush and asking for a quickie for breakfast and cheney tells him it is called quiche?
our systems here are up and down all day and crashing and losing emails so this will be quick if i can finish it. short 4 miles in the morning so legs can recover and also everything else as the morning heart rate was 51- that is near sick levels for me. went as easy and slowly as possible mainly just to be outside and loosen up the back. then home to get ready for the house inspection.
the inspection went ok as it was pretty quick and not very thorough at all. does it matter as it was our third in a few weeks but it did give me a chance to nicely tell the mgmt. person that i wouldn't move my daughter into this house until they did a lot of work on it.
spent the rest of the morning throwing out stuff and dealing with emergency problems of the people we are renting from who are being forced out. i did sell our tv and will work on the bikes tomorrow before or after our next going away luncheon.
then met some friends at the range and hit some balls together. tom's sister is about to move back here and david's daughter just moved to the states. we talked about that a lot and hit ok-i was so -so probably but getting closer and the good shots were really good; just not used to so many bad ones. i am two golfers right now. but i will live with the really good ones and keep working on it. at least in my mind i have a good plan now. then i helped the pro here a bit and that was fun. i could be a caddy here if i wanted to stay and caddy on the pro tour here - like a level below nationwide. would be fun-
then home to keep cleaning out stuff and tossing out as much as possible. then dealing with bills and other admin type stuff. and off i go. i will get tossed off very soon anyway- down to three bars and my norton stopped working and so did my volume- all weird tonight-
less than a week now-- more on all of it soon! hang in there texas.
blog about symrna is for gail's class. interesting though.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
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