Wednesday, July 02, 2008

rest day - Wednesday's rant

took the day off from running and slept as late as i could trying to rest everything. morning heart rate was 48 and that was still higher than it should have been given the short run yesterday and plenty of sleep last night. but it is what it is and i know i am not eating quite right and living in a house full of "stuff" -- will be good to get out of here before it all goes down the toilet so to speak. and thank god the toilet is still working no matter how many times we have to flush it. sorry.... will be nice to have hot water again. but i digress....

did hit some golf balls today and that went a little better. so i didn't lose the progress i made yesterday though i only hit up to the 6 iron, which still wanted to go right sometimes. all in all though i hit it farther than i have been lately and higher again like i usually do. this is such a hard game to get hold of.

spent a lot of time reading about illegal organ collections in china and some other political stuff. simply cannot be bothered right now by the absurd coverage of the usa elections and politics in general. the last thing i heard today was McCain saying that the decision of the supreme court on rape and execution was the kind of decision that we would get from an obama court and that the way to stop that was to elect him; duh?????? is it not a bush court and would obama not have appointed the neocons on the court? duh??? does mc cain ever listen to tapes of himself? duH???

anyway- somewhere along the way common sense and moral decency has gotten lost. who can believe the mainstream media anymore and where are they protecting us by doing actually reporting? can they not still look pretty and do the job? are there no more lara logans around who can actually cover the news? and she meets their blonde test. they can all be candy crowley if they can cover the news though candy has forgotten how also. why have the media become part of the mc cain family?

if we really use 20 million barrels of oil a day and we import just about 55% of that- i get that from the web and won't swear by it- but even if it is close, then why can't we just buy what we can from our friends and do without the dependence on the rest and find a way around buying oil from our enemies- too simple, even i know that, but we had gas lines in 1977 when carter was president. this is not a surprise problem and we have done nothing in 30 years. i still want my datsun b-210 back getting my 55 miles per gallon. gas is about $9.10 a gallon here in the UK. how would America cope with that? on another subject for a moment- yesterday the woman in front of me bought a pack of cigarettes for 5pounds and 51 pence- that would be $11.02 in us dollars-- would that cut down smoking in the usa if a carton of cigs... were $80?

but i am ranting and will stop- we will have to make adjustments when we get home also like most people. get the fireplace ready to burn whatever it will huh?

rained today and we have 5 more days of predicted rain coming. i would still rather have this weather than the weather back there for sure.

stay well everyone. am sure i should re-read this but i won't.
posted a little article from crooks and liars- thought it was funny- i have lost the ability to have lucid discussions with almost all of any friends i have who are still republicans and i know they feel the same way- it is just better we go our separate ways i guess as everything seems to be black or white, red or blue, religious or not religious or whatever - i get really dumb emails telling me really stupid things and i wonder when their brains shut off. is it that hard to just live your life and let other people live theirs? i am ready to live in my bubble and that is ok. i erased the next 5 sentences and will leave it at that. i could use another stimulus check though. am ready to start collecting my social security now- i have gotten really old while i wasn't looking-
Vitter, Craig sponsor Federal Marriage Amendment

Posted: 01 Jul 2008 08:00 PM CDT

Just this week, a group of Republican senators re-introduced the Federal Marriage Amendment to the Constitution, which, as we know, would ban gay marriage.

This isn’t especially surprising. Republicans are looking at the political landscape, and they’re feeling awfully discouraged. The polls look bad, the base looks depressed, and fundraising looks iffy. Rallying the far-right troops with an anti-gay amendment to the Constitution — even though it has no chance at even getting so much as a hearing — might be helpful to the conservative movement.

But the funny part is looking over the list of the 10 original sponsors. Most of the names are predictable — Brownback and Inhofe, for example — but there are two others whose names stand out: Sens. David Vitter (R-La.) and Larry Craig (R-Idaho).

Yes, two of the principal sponsors of a constitutional amendment to “protect” marriage include one far-right Republican who hired prostitutes and another far-right Republican who was arrested for soliciting gay sex in an airport men’s room.

As my friend Kyle put it, these two are “not exactly the poster boys of the family values crowd or particularly upstanding examples of the supposed sanctity of the ‘union of a man and a woman.”‘

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