Monday, August 11, 2008

another two days

funny how little time i seem to have here. we spend so much time dealing with the house and trying to deal with contractors and also trying to have a little life that time just keeps flying by. one constant had been my running, though i overslept yesterday and decided to rest the leg and ride the bike instead. did 40 miles worth of spinning and got some exercise in without any pounding. worked out ok in the long run i guess, though i was disappointed. ran several errands and worked on the garden some while also cleaning out some more of the flooded mess and putting out 2 large and 6 smaller trashcans of stuff. i am determined to clean this mess up.

took a break and went to the range as i hadn't been there lately and ran into my friend richard and we hit some balls together and tried different clubs and worked on swing plane and balance. went ok actually. in hindsight now it went better than today did. only had a little time for some chipping and a little putting. will do more soon.

today we were up early and went up to the track. ran a nice workout of 6 x 400; 8 x 200; and 6 x 100. went pretty well actually and had less right leg pain than usual. then did the work on the house stuff for awhile. just a lot of issues i won't bore the blog or readers with.

then off to the therapist to find out what was wrong with the right leg. turned out to be a torn abductor magnus muscle. doesn't hurt when i go straight but turns are like being stabbed in the leg. the treatment today was helpful, but very painful also. i go back in two weeks for more. time will tell. have high hopes for it though.

more shopping afterwards and some yard work and then off to the range. am determined now to keep up the running and at least some golf while we deal with the house. will catch up on everything including emails later this week.

ahead this week still are the door guy; a skin cancer checkup; the drywall guys; and the carpet people. lots more other stuff. what can i say? two more weeks and will settle down some. figure three months to be where we need to be.

more soon. need to get going........

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