Thursday, August 28, 2008

day in the rain oxford style

up and out early enough before 7am and got a slow and easy 8 miles in going both north and south on the trail; not actually easy, just mean no attempt to run any pace other than slow; the morning heart rate was 44 so that indicated some sort of recovery, but the legs were really sore from taking down the oak tree yesterday. still, a little exercise was good and the rain made it easier still. seemed like any day in oxford- the trail was empty and saw only one bike rider.

the plan had been to try and meet my friends and play a quick 9 holes of golf but it was pouring now. would anyone show up and was it worth going? off i went to find out. seven of the 14 signed up came out and it was good to see some of the guys again. and we headed out in a light drizzle. i started off horribly but got untracked after 2 holes and played bogie and par golf the rest of the way despite the quality of my shots. but i did get up and down a few times and also hit the green twice from 188 and 185 and that was nice. learned a few things along the way and also found out more about where i needed to focus my practicing. jack, ralph and i played in a threesome and that went really fast; the other four stopped when the rain got harder and it was up and down all day, though we managed to get 18 in. jack had a bunch of birdies and ralph and he both chipped in. i chipped and putted ok, but was very disappointed in how short i had become. can work on that some, but age is catching up quickly.

the golf over i headed off to safeway and then home. still, no work crew had shown up. after some laundry and work around the house we headed off to the carpet and tile place and spent some time there and then over to the paint store to see how dark the colors really were and pick up $247 worth of paint. had found out while we were at the store that the crew had shown up at our house and would wait for us. no pressure.

but hurry back we did and they worked until past 8pm getting the walls ready and the 11 new lights in. tomorrow the doors and whatever else will happen while i get to spend another day at home cleaning out the other two rooms they will start on next.
they promise to be all done by sept. 19th and what a way to spend the first two months at home.

anyway- after they left i hit some balls in the backyard to wind down some and the rain came back. we played musical cars getting ready for tomorrow's day of gail going to school.

and life goes on. somewhere in denver Barack is telling the world why he is the "one". i am off to read a little cormac mccarthy for my bookclub. busy day ahead tomorrow. eventually i will catch up with the 79 emails i am behind on and the rest of everything, but for now i just live tired. better blog tomorrow he promises once again.

-congrats to my brother who bought a house today.

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