Friday, October 24, 2008

an ok day of stuff done and undone

up this morning after 9 hours of sleep, the most i have had in a long time, and found my pulse to be at 54. just cannot remember the last time it was that high-maybe when i had the flu or after one of my surgeries- but it was not a good sign that on a day after i basically took it as easy as i could and slept as much as i did that my weight was down a couple of pounds and my pulse was just horrible.

given that scenario and not quite sure what to do as i didn't feel sick and am hoping there is no deep down hidden health, once you have cancer you think every weird thing happening is the cancer returning-it doesn't help me that my drs have promised me a relapse at some point given the 100% chance i have of a recurrence statistically.

but out the door i went and ran and took some walk breaks to try not to push it too much and did a little over 5 miles. legs started ok and tired after 3 miles. not good. skipped the bike ride and did some yard work and then went to work when the work crew did not show up as planned. did the afternoon shift at the golf course and a little bit of practicing afterwards and came home. feel worse and am mad that i was dumb enough to skip my vitamins this week a couple of times for no real reason other than i just didn't take them. lack of routine ....

email is back up and will catch up tomorrow before i head back out to penna. would be really nice to be back in oxford right now. gail's birthday this week, a world series game to go to and my brother is coming in from oregon. this plus more house stuff should keep the week busy enough, not to mention all of the driving ahead. and here comes the rain, faking oxford perhaps.. kidding--

still trying and failing to catch up but have a new plan i will put into action tomorrow as it is almost tomorrow right now.

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