Wednesday, October 01, 2008

nelly furtado, etc

what is it about her voice i like? does a decent slow version cover of "crazy" that is sweet. still like gnarls's version too.his song i guess. can you hear it?

anyway, well he sings i will type. a decent enough day i suppose. up and out early enough and decided to run 100's today after yesterday's 17 mile run. took it easy and just wanted to air out the quads a bit. did 4 sets of 5 and stretched after each set. alternated the sets up and downhill. never pushed the pace but stayed about 8 minute pace or a little faster. went ok and nothing out of the ordinary hurt. decided to skip the post run ride and did some work in the garden instead, though not much as it was still pretty wet. lots of weeding and planning.

the guys showed up (carla bruni singing now" to finish the tile work and it went well enough until they ran out of tile. funny ha-ha almost. will see how the ordering of more tile slows everything down...and i hope nobody comes tomorrow.usually on wed. i remind them i am not home on thursdays but the guys here today were not regulars and i didn't speak enough spanish to make it clear and they just wanted to go and not try to figure out what i was saying anyway.

so they left and i took the opportunity to go get some decent practice in as i wanted to try the newly cut down putter. did get in some decent practice despite the rain. mostly short game today and lots of putting. then hit a bucket of balls and went home. just trying to stay in touch with the game until i can practice enough to see if i can get a swing going again.

then picked up dinner at the deli and headed home. spent the night as usual lately. england certainly got me away from tv as i can watch some news, sports and a movie maybe, but no tv shows really. but not reading like i did there when i read 3 books a week and here i get in one or two a month for the bookclubs.

still drifting around without the focus i need and thought i would come home with, but am forcing myself to hang in there as best i can. it is clearly not enough though and will see if i can find some motivation somewhere. am way behind on the marathon training and will try to get in two more decent runs and just go do it i suppose. will hope all of the long runs and lots of mileage in the UK will get me by. not looking for a specific time anyway and if i am not injured. i.e., the right leg holds up, i will just keep going forward until it is over.

then i need to decide what i will do next. stuck between the golf and running worlds and neither is going really well right now. weight is still down enough- 3 pounds more than when i graduated high school. dr sheehan always said to weigh what you weighed when you graduated high school. funny to see that sarah palin said he was an inspiration for her as well as so many others and i am glad that i got to know and run and correspond with him. and i will always be thankful that he could diagnose a problem from 200 miles away that my drs could not figure out.

and so life goes on and the big thing now i guess is the vice president debate tomorrow. the anticipation of what will happen will finally stop and they will just do it. and the senate voted yes tonight on the so called bailout bill. how do we carry on? how did we get here is the bigger question? would like to be back in the UK and see if the world is laughing at us.

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