Tuesday, October 07, 2008

9 mile run and some golf, etc

have a lot to do to get ready for tomorrow, but wanted to capture the day - was up pretty early and out the door and ran a really decent 9 miles keeping up a better than normal pace and getting in a bunch of hills, both up and down. was nice and cool and a really pretty morning.

the crew went elsewhere today so i had time to get some stuff in like cutting the grass, doing laundry, making some calls and then slipping out to play 9 holes of golf at jefferson. had a treat and played with the woman's club champion and her friend and we all played pretty well, though none of us putted particularly well as the greens were both slow and fast and the flags were in some strange places. i was 3 over par for the 9 holes with eight fours and a bogie six. also had 18 putts which is very unusual for me though i hit a few more greens than usual. did hit some very nice shots and maybe i am starting to recapture some of my old swing. will see.

ran many errands on the way home which didn't actually amount to accomplishing much. can be really frustrating trying to shop and i will leave it at that. and got home too late to go to the range so i hit about 90 pitch shots and chips in the back yard and gave up when it got dark. then headed over to safeway and picked up some things for the next few days.

am scheduled to play at bristow on thursday. the crew will most likely be here wed and Friday, though who knows -nobody is telling me for sure.

the debate is on and i have the tv on without the sound. i did listen to 20 seconds of it while mc cain was talking and rather than get sick i shut off the sound. i know who i am voting for and will skip the utter stupidity and attack vulgarity of mc cain and the witch. see i can do it too.

and now to pay some bills and maybe answer a few emails, though i would rather wait for tomorrow when i am stuck here anyway. the dow crashed again today. it seems to me if they are going to have a global economy then they need to work together to have some global standards. do you think europe realized they were buying bad loans and that we gave away money to anyone regardless of whether they were qualified, in the little bundles they bought. so now everyone is afraid to loan money and nobody can buy anything and the world's economy is in the tank-- who else went to a spa besides the AIG people i wonder. i know i had to pass on things at the store when i thought they were just too expensive. and while i did fill my gas tank tonight for only $56+ dollars i was amused to see the prices varying from $3.39 at a texaco to $3.79 most everywhere else. they cannot even figure out how much to overcharge us on any rational basis as gas is dropping lower and lower by the barrel. what a joke- maybe we need to regulate the gas business - who runs the worse business- the airlines, phone companies, car sales or gas companies? and today i heard calls for a nationalization of businesses like the swiss model. trillions of dollars lost in the past weeks. at this rate the boomers will all be looking for jobs again.

it is all so sad and the people actually asked for this when they put "W" in for 8 years. i think maybe they should send stimulus checks to dems and independents and the RNC can save the rest of everyone---- or we can all join in and try to make this a better place for everyone and not worry about what church they go to or whether they are for or against roe vs wade. 4 weeks from ow we will have the beginning of an answer. fingers crossed everyone- whoever wins starts out way in the hole for sure and good luck to them. and us and me for they will be my president too whether i voted for them or not and i need them to do a good job. let's hope.

on that note i am off. this is a great country. it can be a world leader and not be hated, but it has to think of itself as a big partner with global responsibilities and not the 800 pound thing pushing people all over the globe around.

meanwhile i worry about what color to paint the bathroom and what kind of doors to hang. all so important??? necessary at least.

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