Monday, January 14, 2008

good day at the range, etc

trying to recapture some of the old golf swing lost to the attempt at developing a one and/or two plane swing with a thrown in attempt at "swing like a pro", i have now gone to a hybrid version. this works the best for me as it did when i had my lowest handicap. having been told by pro's i am not flexible enough to have a one plane and just plain old not liking the two plane, i have used the knowledge gained and combined some of those with some of ralhp mann and come up with a way of hitting the ball straight again. memo to self- clear the hips faster and drop the left arm; keep the right foot down until impact and the head behind the ball; with a slightly earlier wrist cock and a slightly longer swing i have gained about 10-15 yards and am hitting the 3 iron like never before; will lose this swing of course because golf swings are like game of hide and seek and will frustrate anybody who takes up the game and doesn't get it right away;
all this while the wind was blowing like crazy and the rain was teaming down and 30% of the range was under water. working with the weighted club has been great and everyone would probably benefit from it; or at least most people would --couch couch;

and onto south carolina and michigan. will be interesting to see what happens. my guys are all out already and i am left to hope for my next tier.
on a more local note- the tree hugger guy was gtaken down today in bonn square and the 100 year old tree is gone. doubt that would have happened in alexandria, va.

with an eye on the left heel and wanting no recurrence of my old heel spur, i will stay short tomorrow. today went well and in the training mode was a good run and more important than any short effort tomorrow. if it goes ok i will try some strider wed. next week will start back to the track if the weather is even a little cooperative. not the same a sdriving there and just getting out of the car and running.

actually have to write some real letters now andc will stop. still trying to figure out how to get this ot to the people i want to, but will eventually.

198 days to go-
ps---with 184 marathons behind me can i do 16 more and does it matter?

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