Friday, December 12, 2008

8 more miles and some golf practice

followed up yesterday with 8 more miles today early in the morning before any rain, snow or cold weather. went 6 decent miles and then hit a small wall and just hung in until i got home. not a pretty last two miles. oh well-

ran a bunch of errands and went off to practice. by now it was very cold and windy, but met two friends at the range and we practiced some together. went pretty good on the green and so-so hitting. disappointed that it was nowhere near as good as wed. but worked at it and will keep trying. did get lots of short game and putting in- must have hit 100 pitches and at least that many chips plus about 200 putts.

and then back home to do some house and bank stuff there and just relax. was tired by now and really do need some rest. and off i go to get some.

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