Monday, December 01, 2008

morning duathlon

can you hear marion raven singing in the background?

anyway- up and out this morning despite how cold it seemed- ran out with gail and we did the east blvd long loop. meaning we took west blvd to get there instead of the bike path. just felt like taking a break from being on the path and in this way i could check out the gardens of the houses on west.

legs were still tired and screaming for me to take a day off, but i plowed on having my own little plan for them and hoping i will be wise enough to keep an eye on the little tweaks. got around ok though i could feel race soreness lingering-after no races in a few years i have now raced twice in the last 3 weeks.

ran gail home and got a drink and went back out and down to west blvd and ran the hilly loop down west and up neal st all the way down to ft hunt road and then back home through the neighborhood. stayed out long enough to get my two hours in and also leave myself just short of 80,000 and headed home to the bike.

had planned this last night and despite being tired i knew i would get a drink and revive on the bike- rode the hill workout for 35 minutes and then switched to bike mode so i could get some fartlek spinning in and got 29+ miles in and stopped. had planned to stop at 26.2 and knew i had to get off of the bike or i would go to 36 or 50- my favorite stopping points.

now golf time- day is warming up and will get to 46 degrees and i can even see some sun out as celine dion duplicates the singing of raven. nice but different sort of voice.

should mention i found cowherd radio on the espn radio and watched that as i rode. he had a decent show this morning as i like his around the globe thing or whatever he calls it when he has reporters from other cities chime in about their teams and then trent dilfer did his analysis of football and the ny giants.

isn't it time for the BCS to change how they rank? does it matter as it is "college sports"? when does baseball season start?

back later- 24 more days until xmas.....

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