Thursday, December 11, 2008

two hours in the rain

so the heavy rain changed the plans of the day and the forecast of snow in the morning only added to the change- actually thought i might take the day off and give the legs a break. has been 32 days since the marathon and i have run 200 miles counting today and ridden 280 on the indoor bike with one 5 mile race also. and one day off. i do know better really, but am no good at coaching myself right now.

and today was fun mostly-always liked running in the rain and i ran as many hills as possible, even repeating them when i could. the right leg always wants to stop as it just gets tighter and tighter the longer or faster i am out there. i did have about 90 seconds of what some would call runner's high-remember that old term?- when somewhere about 58 minutes into the run i just wanted to go faster and went with it. and then it was gone and i just slowed down all without thinking about it. i get that a lot and it doesn't surprise me anymore, but it is still weird when my legs want to go and stop by themselves without any input from me.

despite the rain while i did laundry i did some pitches and chip shots in the backyard over my self made bunker and then spread some mulch and topsoil. then in to read and here i am now.

dinner time approaches. not quite sure why i keep this sort of a blog up- but for now it helps my mind so i will stay at it. has turned into more like a log and not sure that is necessary. will see..... did spend half the run thinking of what i wanted to do next. have some thoughts to play around with and will. meanwhile will see if we get to run in the snow tomorrow.

real highlight of the day was the long conversation in safeway with nice woman who had moved here from alabama over thirty years ago -- shows that everyone you meet could be your next best friend or maybe, just a pleasant 15 minutes of conversation.

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