Wednesday, May 28, 2008

another run in the rain

up really early and out to run as i had to be back to go with gail to the bus station. she leaves today for her normandy invasion trip in france. was raining pretty good but not horribly and i ran down binsey lane and across the street towards king edward park. went west so i could run the big loop around the park and come back up osney to the made up track straightaway. that went well enough in the rain and mud puddles and i saw a few other early runners and dog walkers. don't usually see people out this time of morning other than the cars headed to work down the main street.

but around the loop i went and then stopped to run 20 x 100 with all of the 100 recovery jog. wanted to get some recovery in hopes of doing a worthwhile little workout and still be able to run in the morning. friday was a airport day and no chance to run before i left. my morning heart rate was 42 this morning. down a bit to my low again. still think the heart is ahead of the legs.

the workout went ok. i ran 4 sets of 5, running 2 hard, 2 steady and one easy. my easy ones are much faster than they used to be and that is good. the fastest today were not my fastest since i started these, but i had more faster ones than usual. another good sign. finished the twenty and then headed back over to the bike path and ran a big loop west and then another one throwing in the side trail towards raleigh park. that gave me about 8 miles and good enough for the day.

headed home and shortly after this we headed up to the bus station and gail took off from there for her school trip. i walked over to the open market and got some stuff for the house so it would be there when she got back and also picked up some fresh baked scones for breakfast. a nice little treat. then walked home in the slightest of drizzles.

after breakfast i headed up to the driving range. this turned out to be a disappointment today as the rain was coming down heavier now and it made hitting outside the covered area not a great idea, but underneath was packed with kids today. no program -just a bunch of kids doing what kids do. making noise and running up to the ball and trying to hit it. just like the movie. so balls were all over the place and was a tad hard to concentrate. i was doing so-so but not really able to do the drills i had hoped to do today. just went outside and chipped and did some short pitches from the outside mats. they allow me to chip but they wouldn't allow the pitches from the grass and i don't push it, content to do some chipping from actual grass. and then back home - nice the walk is not long as it was coming down now.

and now to get ready to fly home for a bit. laundry and packing and house work and cat work, etc. never enough time to do it all, but will get done what i can. am looking forward to being home for a bit. the tent we live in is getting old and it is just about 10 months now. enough.

back to packing. more tomorrow. another rainy day predicted-imagine?

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