Friday, May 23, 2008

a two minute thought

Did the wall fall? Can it?

In a room with three people
Who is the giant
And who is the clown
If there were four in the room
Would that make a difference
Would someone be lonely
And someone be free
Now there are five there
And the room seems crowded
Should someone leave
Will someone speak

In a room with three people
Are there no woman
Are there no men
If there were four in the room
Could one be a partner
And one be a friend
Suppose there were five
Would one be gay
Would one be loved
And one be hated

In a room with three people
If a wall fell down
Would it still be a room
If four people watched it
Would the wall still fall
Suppose that they caught it
And the fifth person asked
Where did you come from
Where is my partner
Where is my friend
Who will love me
If I were gay
If I were black
If I were yellow
If I were brown
If I were white

And the wall falls- can you hear it

and the wall stays up- quiet

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