Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Corps says condition of levees unknown - Life- msnbc.com

forgive my blogging this story, but i just love it- article about levees and the bad shape they are in and what we do and don't know about them- and the billions of dollars it would take to fix them. the incompetence of the people i charge of just knowing where they are and how many we have is incredible enough even realizing we will not be able to fix them and eventually will deal with them one crisis at a time- risk-reward as they say. this comes on the day after they had people waiting in line here in the uk for over an hour to get into a popular swimming pool because they didn't have enough lifeguards to open it. eventually they closed two other pools and moved their lifeguards over so they could open. i might add the closed pools were in a poorer neighborhood. turns out they had a freeze on hiring as the leisure dept didn't know how many employees they had. sometimes i think governments are around just to provide comic relief to the people they are supposed to work for and protect.

Corps says condition of levees unknown - Life- msnbc.com

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