Saturday, September 20, 2008

8 miles and a lot of driving

up early and out the door headed toward mt vernon. was determined to go all the way up the big hill and to the mansion and get my 8 miles in and check out the new path extension being built and that's exactly what i did. a nice cool morning and i ran ok, even a little quicker than usual. timed a couple of the miles but didn't try to run them at a certain pace; just ran them and saw what the time was and it was ok. wasn't going to be quick after yesterday's hills and just wanted to get out and try and enjoy the river and the lack of humidity. many other runners and bikes out of course on a saturday morning, but saw nobody i knew. not the same without steve and rusty out there.

followed the run with a half hour on the bike to stretch out the legs a bit and cooldown at the same time. rode a steady 95 rpm's at an easy pace- on this bile that would be about 21 mph. and then stretched.

after breakfast we headed out to the lumber yard and bought some new doors and made arrangements to have them come and measure and that meant skipping some errands and heading home to meet the measurer. 90 minutes later that was done and we were back out in traffic again and running our errands. hate doing that on a saturday, but being tied to the house during the week leaves no choice.

later at home i decided to skip going to the range as it would have been far too time consuming given things going on and the paving of the roads between here and there. hit some pitches and chips in the back yard and swung the weighted club a bit and called it a rest day.

dinner and some house work followed and will do it all over again tomorrow. lots of yard work waiting also. i did get the blower out and cleaned up the leaves today following the gutter cleaning this week. hard to catch up on an entire year in the 7 weeks we have been home, but we are making progress. it would be easier if the people came when they were supposed to come and do the work. will get there.

need to ramp up the running distance. too many days of 7-10 and no long runs lately after all of the 2-3 hour runs in oxford. just hard to find time and motivation here. the running has been a little quicker, but not long enough. more golf stuff and house stuff mixed in makes time hard to find. also i was thinking that the errands i ran yesterday took 66 miles of driving and in oxford that would have been about 6 miles of walking and maybe a bus ride.

saw very little ryder cup today, just a few minutes. i watch almost no tv here at all, a habit i picked up in england and it is funny but i took a short break after eating dinner to read some newspaper and watched a little BBC. how ironic?

gotta run- more soon.

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