Friday, September 12, 2008

half day thoughts/ and a nine mile run

the crew is here working and i thought i would take a minute to get started catching up. the tv pictures from texas are already hard to watch as there are already so many houses under water and the storm is still 250 miles away. would i stay here if there were a big hurricane coming? probably if it was just a "1". who knows? i remember bob mason and i were out running during hurricane david many years ago and also when gail and i were on the canal running when the park service kicked us off of the trail. days later we ran there again and saw that the water lines were above our heads. someone needs a new plan for the gulf coast. right....

also get a kick out of watching mc cain and his people just get things wrong and cover it up with lies. it is scary to think that the possible future of the entire world could rest in his and sarah's hands. and yet once again, i repeat, that whoever wins this next election will also be my president and that i want them to do a good job in protecting us and helping the economy, etc. i don't have to agree with them on everything, even most things, but i don't want any president to ignore every single major issue affecting our country just to make money for their rich friends or invade any country they feel like invading. will our voters be so dumb again? are we still racist enough to vote against a person for that reason? if 30% admit they are racist, what is the true number? wish i could live long enough to see how the future plays out, but i am thinking it will be like some of our comic books. i think our sci-fi people figure it out earlier than most.... on a side note i do feel empathy for her as she sends her son off to war. i hope he and the entire military are safe while they are there.

so gail called at 6:30 or so and then i went out to run. after 67 miles of bike trainer i was ready to go out and run. the legs had some rest from the pounding, but not from exercise. worse was the lack of sleep the past two days. with an early morning heart rate of 48 i wasn't expecting a great run, but the weather was not bad at 72 degrees and a little humidity. and i actually ran ok, a decent 4 miles after a slow first mile and then a slower 4 miles at the end to get 9 miles done.

then home and did some garden work before even cleaning up. moved a few things and planted the last new plant i forgot about on weds. then watered and weeded and just at that time the floor people showed up. i threw some laundry in and then helped moved some stuff. will help again later when it is time to move furniture.

and that is almost half a day. just before noon and time to work.

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