Monday, September 15, 2008

two days in one

i keep telling myself that i will slow down and relax, but it seems like there are just not enough hours in the day. mostly of course because my day is shortened by the work going on and my being a captive audience to it.

yesterday though was a day with no workers. i did have to get everything out of the rooms they would work on today, but first i went out to run my 10 mile run. i need longer runs to get ready for the marathon, but i will just do what i can for now and hope to get a couple decent runs in later. also i am hoping that the several 2-3 hour runs i did in oxford will somehow still help. with 184 marathons behind me now i know experience only goes so far.

but at 6:30am i was out the door and it was really hot and humid already. this was a simple little effort. i went north on the trail and kept going as slowly as i had to to get down to the 8 mile marker at belle haven and then turned around and headed home. i carried my own water-daughter beth had gotten me a camel bak which i am still getting used to but it certainly comes in handy on long run/hot days. the river was pretty enough, but every runner or walker i passed later in the run talked about the humidity. at home i weighed myself and found that i had lost 5 pounds on this run despite all of the drinking i had done.

after the run i did several hours of work in the garden, cleaned out some of the attic, moved everything out of the bathroom, and started to set up the family room and laundry room so we could start using them again. then i left for the airport to get gail, who was coming home from giving a paper in france. and on the way home we stopped for dinner out so we didn't have to deal with it at home. and finally home and spent a few hours just being home and relaxing. eventually i went over to the driving range and hit a bucket of balls.

and finally the day was over. a long and busy hot and humid day, but a decent one.

and then a new day began- out for a short effort as we were up a little late an d the crew was coming at 9am. got the trash out first and did a nice little 5 miles in and then wrapped up the prep work and the crew was there and they got right into work. i spent the morning doing many chores mostly outside. went ok and caught up with stuff i left behind last year to do when we got back. the guys were inside banging away making a lot of noise as they ripped out tile and drywall. somehow gail worked on getting ready for school through the noise. this went on until about 3pm when they decided they had had enough work and dust for one day and would be back early tomorrow. i wrapped up my work and headed off to the range to get some short game in and hit some balls. that went well enough, but what i notice is that it always takes awhile to get into some decent tempo and then just as i start to groove it a bit it is time to move on. just need more time there. the tip the pro gave me yesterday was a big help and i worked on that today. made a big difference.

and then home - now 9:30pm and after a bit to eat and having read the paper here i am - another day gone- did get my new orthotics today in the mail and will try them out on wed. until next time.....go eagles!!!

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