Friday, September 26, 2008

short blog while i listen to the debate

out early as the sun was coming up. did 4 loops around the west blvd and neal street hills and then went north on the west blvd and eventually got on the trail and headed back south. reasonably cool and light drizzle made it easier than many of the past days and i stayed out long enough to get 9 miles in. decent run actually except for a strange 3 minutes when my heart rate dropped from the 70% level i was running at (except for the uphills) and down to the 55% level and breathing was hard. but somehow it passed and the run got going ok again. not bad for the morning after i rode a decently hard 34 miles last night.

then some work around the house as we waited for the work crew who showed up almost on time. decided to wait to plant the new stuff until the rain had stopped so the ground could dry up a bit and not turn into cement, probably sunday. got a break when the crew finished their work early and decided to wait until monday to lay the tile, so i headed off to the golf course and squeezed in 9 holes of good and bad shots, but good practice. then did some short game stuff and hit a bucket of balls and went home. still making some progress, but need more practice to get some more consistency with the full swing and to get the speed of the greens down better with the short game.

ran some errands on the way home and decided to take a break and have dinner and read some and then watch the debate. hard to just sit there while these guys merely repeat their stock stuff. i could have answered the questions for both sides i think. nothing big i don't believe at this point or at least nothing new. i decided years ago who i would vote for and so whatever they say won't change my mind.

and another day done- did order a new printer. more to do tomorrow and the weekend will be busy but should be fun.

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