Tuesday, February 26, 2008

another mc cain flip flop from liars and cheaters blog

McCain Flip Flops On “100 Years in Iraq” Remark

Posted: 25 Feb 2008 06:30 PM CST

Flippity, floppity, flip, flop. Just like a fish on the deck of a boat, John McCain is gasping for the life of his campaign. Knowing full well that tying his campaign to staying in Iraq and the “success” of the “surge” (quick, McCain, explain what that means!) and that the majority of Americans just aren’t willing to buy it, McCain executes a perfect “cut and run” from his earlier statement of staying in Iraq for 100 years.

By the way, that reminds me of that 100 year thing. My friends, the war will be over soon. The war, for all intents and purposes, although the insurgency will go on for years and years and years. But it will be handled by the Iraqis, not by us.

Huh? The war will be “over soon”??? Mission Accomplished redux? But the insurgency will go on. But that’s not a war. But the Iraqis will handle it. Aren’t the insurgents Iraqis too? Can anyone make heads or tails of this ridiculous excuse of a back pedal?

How in the hell does McCain think he can get away with this?

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