Sunday, February 24, 2008

mc cain missing on environment vote-last in the senate

John McCain Skipped Every Crucial Vote in 2007, Ranked Dead Last Among all 535 Members of Congress

The Daily Green:

McCain skipped every one of the 15 votes that the League of Conservation Voters deemed critical measures for the environment, including votes where the Arizona Senator’s yea would have meant passage by a single-vote margin.

McCain has won support from many environmentalists … but his absenteeism on important votes this session calls into question his reputation as a maverick who might buck the party line on some energy and environmental issues.

“Out of 535 Members of Congress, John McCain is the only one who chose to miss every single key environmental vote scored by the League of Conservation Voters last year. When it came time to stand up and vote for the environment, John McCain was nowhere to be found,” said Carl Pope, executive director of the Sierra Club. “Every other Member who received a zero from LCV last year at least had the temerity to show up and vote against the environment and clean energy time after time. And unlike John McCain, I doubt any of them would claim to be environmental leaders or champions on global warming.”

Although McCain likes to play up his environmental record in a positive light, and the media often plays along, the facts don’t always back it up, and since he began his run for the White House he has ignored environmental issues entirely. “McCains LCV score exposes the real record behind the rhetoric: a lifetime pattern of voting with polluters and special interests instead of consumers and the planet when it comes time to stand up and be counted. Or perhaps worse yet: a consistent refusal to stand up and be counted at all.” The Sierra Club is sponsoring a letter to the editor campaign to help point out the hypocrisy.

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