Friday, February 08, 2008

pretty good day all around

morning heart rate was 46 and though i knew the legs would be a little tired, i headed out and up to st margaret's church and then over and down to the river and back up along the canal, and one more time down the river; all in all about 8 miles and not too bad. pretty morning and i met a nice couple from wales who were walking the length of the thames river to the source from london. seems like that would be fun. didn't see the usual animals today, but did see a badger in the field up by the workhorse corral. the one horse there seemed to be keeping an eye on the badger, but i ran on by.

gail and i ate breakfast and listened to some news shows from last night and then she went to work and i went to hit golf balls. had a decent day today as i am determined to figure out why some days i am pretty good and other days are a disaster. so much of the entire swing is dependent on my weight at set-up and the turn away from the ball, but my balance has improved tremendously; now i need to start hitting woods again as i haven't hit a drive but one time since i was home last.

i had free pro help today and we decided that part of the problem is that when my back gets tight i just don't make a good turn and cannot shift my weight properly, this leads to thinner and less powerful hits. worked on that for 200 balls today though the last 30 or so were 45 yard pitch shots and some 7am, 9am, and 11 am swings. the difference is whether i hit my 7iron 150 yards or 130 yards. my friend tony and i found out today that the signs at the range are way off. am i still in england? the 100 sign is 111 and the 150 sign is 157. the other 100 green is 114 and does it matter that the 250 green is 260? not to me.... what does matter is that the price of balls goes up on saturday.

anyway- took a break and watched the one detective show that i watch here; all in all i must watch 3 hours of tv a week. strange.

run, hike, movie and dinner in the plans for tomorrow. unfortunately, no golf practice that i see squeezing in there. always seems like just when i start to make some progress i miss a day and then have to regain the feel. probably won't hurt my chances at the tour though.

as a treat gail and i walked the mile to the newly re-opened mcdonalds and got a mc flurry. then walked the mile home. sometimes i think i see my 4runner sitting in the driveway at home waiting. remember warren beatty saying to annette benning when she asked what he was doing? he said waiting... waiting...

check out the link i added to the blog. nice work --

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